Registration & Travel Fellowships
The external page registration deadline is March 31, 2022.
IPAS2021 will not be for profit. The organizing committee is pleased to announce that sufficient funding/sponsoring has been obtained such that registration before the deadline will be able to attend the meeting at no cost. For registrations after March 31 and on-site registrations, a late fee of 50 CHF applies.
Sponsored by external page CovalX AG, a number of travel fellowships (500 CHF each) are available for Ph.D. students and postdocs from abroad who would like to attend IPAS2021. In order to apply, please provide the following information:
• a CV & publication list
• the title of your contribution (poster) to IPAS2021
• a support letter by your academic supervisor
Applications are due March 31, 2022 and should be sent via e-mail to , with “travel fellowship application” in the subject line. Applicants will be notified by early April, 2022.